Sue Madill
The Queen's Pack
As a kid growing up at North Pacific Cannery on the north coast of British Columbia, I ate a lot of fish. It came served in many forms on...
Sue Madill
On the road again. The group of 5 head back on the Nisga'a highway
We are up early in Ginglox and say our goodbyes to Lavina. It has been a wonderful and emotional visit to a place that I only knew of in...
Sue Madill
We arrive in Gingolx
We have arrived in Gingolx. The twisting road that brought us here has diminished the appetite of some of our group of 5. But the first...
Sue Madill
The Nisga'a Highway. The Adventures of a Group of 5 Philippsons
It never fails, the best things in life are sometimes right in our own backyard. I grew up in Prince Rupert hearing stories about...
Sue Madill
The Adventures of Hannah. A teacher
One never knows what the day will hold or where your children will go. Our oldest first went North all the way to Tuktoyaktuk, then to...
Sue Madill
In the Net Lofts
The Net Lofts were the biggest buildings on site aside from the main cannery and as you entered the building, the cathedral ceiling...